Social media trends 2017

Back in December of 2015, we put together a blog of what we thought the social media trends would be during 2016 - you can see that post here - and we think our predictions were pretty accurate! Let's see if we can predict the social media trends for 2017...

1. Virtual Reality

In June of 2016, 360 photos was launched on Facebook and how mind-bogglingly awesome are these?! If our social media trend predictions are right...we think this is just a baby step for social media with regards to virtual reality and we think soon you will be able to engage with 360 video content. Twitter have already said that they are releasing something similar in the new year.

2. Content Marketing

There will always be the requirement to generate content but the type of content will evolve as technology advances and consumer's thirst for 'snackable content' increases.  What we expect to see throughout 2017 is a more strategic approach to content. It will no longer be a case of jumping on bandwagons or testing platforms to 'have a go and see what happens', marketing departments will need to develop content strategies and plans to ensure the with wider aims and objectives are met. Plus, as competition increases, it will be even harder to stand out from the crowd so 2017 will be more a about quality not quantity in content marketing.

3. Video/Visual content

2016 saw the birth of Instagram stories which have been a great success for the social media channel. There are over 100 million daily active users on Instagram and that is set to grow throughout 2017. There is current growth in Livestreaming - not only in the platforms providing the ability to 'live stream', but there is also growth in user confidence. More and more of us are happy to put our face / voice to to a live stream without any real rehearsal or script.We also know that Facebook is looking to launch something similar and thinking about 'visual first' as they are currently testing a new camera & snapchat-like filter function.So we expect to be watching a lot more live broadcasts in 2017.

4. Organic Opportunities to decrease

We have seen the organic opportunity to reach your customers decrease year on year and 2017 isn't the year where this is set to change. In 2017 marketeers should continue to focus on the creation of great content (quality content, relating back to point number 2) which is not only shared, but which encourages people to take a call to action. It is up to you whether you would like to take steps to promote and pay for your content to be seen by others.

5. Personalisation

This has always been vital but it's about to gain a whole new level of importance. Did it make you feel special to have a tailor-made video just for you for your #yearinreview on Facebook 2016? Of course it did, and this is why all social media channels are opting for personalised content for users. As consumers, we have all  become smarter when it comes to advertising and what we are being sold, if it isn't personal and far too 'generic', we tend to shut ourselves off.

What do you think the big social media trends of 2017 will be? Share your thoughts with us on Facebook or Twitter.

New business tools are coming to Instagram!


Have you seen the new updates with Instagram stories?